As We Age... As we age, our skin goes through many changes. Skin becomes thin and less plump. It loses its regenerative capacity because of less blood circulation. Wrinkles start to appear because of the retarded metabolism of skin and glandular cells. It's true that if we don't take care of the skin at the right time, then it becomes wrinkled, uneven and pigmented. The Solution Lies in... The solution lies in using right kind of anti ageing products and that too at the right time. The product should be such that it should be able to provide ample protection to the skin against free radical damages. Further it should be able to provide required lipids and moisturizers to maintain the elasticity of the skin. The Search... I tried many over the counter anti ageing products but was not satisfied. Sometimes it lead to breakouts and other times the creams were very heavy on the face leading to the oily skin. T...
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