At different points in life, we all face some skin related problems. These problems are generally acne, overtly dry skin, oily skin, blackheads, whiteheads etc. The first thing in our skin care routine is cleansing. This aspect of skin care is easier said than done. It is so because it requires the correct soap/cleanser, consistency in approach and regular reviews. Generally the cleansers are available locally in stores in plenty. But the common features of all these soaps are that they may contain lots of chemical additives , can be very harsh for the skin, etc. This approach to skin care with general soaps is very rudimentary. The approach to skin care should be such that it becomes an integral part of our overall health care. We should not compromise on it. Keeping all these issues in mind, I decided to hunt for a cleanser which is natural, does not dry the skin, and with the least of chemical preservatives . Finally, I...
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