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Avene Eluage - The Anti Wrinkle Formula that Works Magic

Avene Anti wrinkle concentrate

It's Almost an Eraser

Today I am going to review a product which works as an eraser for the early signs of wrinkles for the mature skin. I am impressed by the results after using the said product for the three months. As such I have decided to review it for the benefit of all. 

The Furrow Formations

Our skin loses its texture as we grow old. The first signs of wrinkles appear near the mouth and it starts forming the furrows. These signs of wrinkles mainly appear because of the loss of collagen fibers and Hyaluronic Acid which are the main factors for maintaining the firmness. The Hyaluronic Acid also soaks up the water and thus leads to the glowing plump, hydrated and youthful skin. But this molecule also has the tendency to deteriorate rapidly as we age leading to the dehydrated wrinkled and aged looking skin.


The Two Active Ingredients

Avene anti wrinkle concentrate has two active ingredient - Retinaldehyde and Hyaluronic Acid. Both these ingredients not only make the complexion more luminous but also fills the deep furrows and wrinkles from inside. It is seen that its regular use makes the skin firmer, smoother and well hydrated. 


How to Apply

  • Take a drop on your finger 
  • Apply directly on the targeted wrinkle area around the mouth, forehead and on the wrinkle area 
  • Don't rub the area. Just dab gently with circular movements for better application 
  • Has to be applied in the night only


The Brighter Side

  • Packaging is very hygienic and clean 
  • A little application lasts for  long 
  • It works for targeted wrinkle removal
  • Especially useful for the areas around the mouth and between the brows and the forehead 
  • It is not sticky and leaves the skin soft and nourished
  • This product is not very harsh and can be used even for sensitive skin 
  • Very good product for the age group of 35 to 55 years

The Not So Brighter Side

  • It might lead to mild irritation and redness initially
  • Pregnant women should stay away as it contains vitamin A as one may overshoot the recommended intake level
  • It's a little  expensive 

My Take...

It is a very good product if you can tolerate the minor irritation and redness after the first few applications. I used it for my nasolabial folds and it worked well. You may observe the result within a month. It gives an overall younger appearance. The cream works great on nasolabial folds as well as wrinkles near the eyes. The result on the furrows between the eyebrows is also encouraging.

After the first few applications, I felt the redness and irritation in those particular areas but individual experiences may vary from person to person. So before trying out any new treatment you should always consult your dermatologist

It is very important to use sunscreen if you use any of the retinol products otherwise it might lead to the dark spots. I think it is definitely worth a buy. The results are encouraging. 

My rating

